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"Keeper of the Home" Series - The 5 Most Important Qualities a Proverbs 31 Woman Possesses

keeper of the home series

In Titus 2:4-5, the Apostle Paul specifically encourages women of the faith to be “oikourgos” -

“…train younger women to love their husbands and love their children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be [oikourgos], to be kind, and to be submissive to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.”

The Greek adjective he used is made up of two separate words:

+ oikos: meaning house or home

+ ergos: meaning worker

Oftentimes, oikourgos has been translated as “workers at home” (i.e. to look after the house and to manage the affairs of the household)

However, in a few surviving Greek texts of Titus, a different word is used: oikourous {the g is missing and an additional u is added}.

+ oikos: meaning house or home

+ ours: meaning keeper

This word, oikourous, was used by the KJV translators when they translated Titus 2:4-5. In that version, Paul's instructions are translated as “keepers at home” (*this translation relied on the later Greek manuscripts, like the Stephanus’ Greek New Testament, which use ‘oikourous’ instead of ‘oikourgos’ to describe the biblical role of a woman’s role in the home).

In reality, both Greek words can be used interchangeably because they have the same meaning: women of faith are charged with the domestic management of the household under her husband's ultimate leadership.

The example of Joseph comes to mind. Potiphar placed Joseph over, and entrusted him with, his entire household (including his wealth). And, later, Pharaoh did the same over his kingdom. They trusted Joseph's ability, wisdom, and stewardship to such a high degree that they gave him authority over everything. Pharaoh was the only person of greater authority in all of Egypt.

Society has led us to believe that managing our households is menial work which degrades womanhood. We're told that it limits our skills, abilities, and giftings and confines us to being not much more than a housekeeper. These lies cannot be further from God's truth. Did Joseph's work on behalf of Potiphar and Pharaoh's households demean and degrade him? Or did his diligent and careful leadership exalt him, by the hand of God, to one of the highest positions in Egypt?

In this earthly life we may never receive accolades or titles for our steadfast dedication to our families, but the Lord promises us that eternal treasures are being stored in heaven awaiting our arrival. We are forging, day by day, a godly legacy that leads our children, as well as others, to the Truth - the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Woman of God, what you do for your family is not menial. It is full of life, purpose, and eternal value.

In this 3-part series entitled, "Keeper of the Home," we will examine the 5 most important qualities a Proverbs 31 woman possesses, what a lifegiving home looks like, and we'll examine a few excellent examples of women in the Bible who were "keepers" of their homes.

5 most important qualities of a proverbs 31 woman

If I was asked to describe the “ideal woman” in words, the following qualities would be on the tip of my tongue: purity (goodness) of heart, loyalty, beauty, kindness, intelligence, and poise. I know this list falls woefully short of what a woman truly embodies, but these qualities are a good starting point.

The “ideal woman” of faith is outlined in the Bible in the book of Proverbs. You can read her long list of credentials in the thirty-first chapter. With the list being long, and our desire to learn from her being eager, I thought it would be helpful to take the verses from Proverbs 31:10-31 and narrow them down to the 5 most important qualities a Proverbs 31 woman possesses. We'll also examine the following two questions:

+How do certain characteristics she possesses align with the fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22?

+What would she look like today, in modern times, as a flourishing woman of the faith?

faithfulness - trustworthy, loyal, and steadfast

As a faithful woman, she can be trusted. Her true intentions and the longings deep within her soul are good - to enrich the lives of her husband and children; to worship the Lord; to care for those in need; to steward well what they have been given. She is loyal, steadfast, and fair. She is led by her strong moral compass and follows truth, justice, and mercy. She keeps confidences. She isn’t a gossip or slanderer. Her word can be trusted. Within her home, she instills this faithfulness into her children. She teaches them God’s Word and leads them to His Truth.

In modern times, a woman who possesses faithfulness is careful about the friendships she keeps. She is vigilant about what she does and says. She guards her heart from vanity and immorality. She attends a local church because she knows the importance of fellowshipping with other believers and worshiping the Lord. She manages her household well, whether she stays home full-time or works outside of her home. She places an importance on reading the Bible, growing in her faith, protecting and caring for her marriage, and shepherding her children.

verses on faithfulness from Proverbs 31


joyfulness - hopeful, cheerful, optimistic

As a joyful woman, she views every day with hope and cheerfulness. She has dreams and ideas brewing in her creative heart. She joyfully uses her talents, skills, and energy to create opportunity which benefits her household and others. She is resourceful, entrepreneurial, proactive, optimistic, and diligent. Her passion and excitement for upcoming projects, business ventures, and ministry opportunities keeps her up at night. She is so excited planning and dreaming, she can hardly fall asleep sometimes.

In modern times, a flourishing woman of faith who possesses joy is actively refining the giftings and talents that the Lord has bestowed upon her. She enjoys picking up new hobbies and skills that will enrich her life instead of scrolling mindlessly on her phone or being idle. She looks for opportunities to bless her family and others. She will likely have a desire to start a business or pursue a passion of hers. She may be a skilled writer, photographer, baker, cook, artist, sewer, decorator, or singer/musician; she may love working with children or working with her hands. Whatever her talents may be, she pursues them passionately. She takes her earnings and stewards them wisely. She has a zeal for life and happily lives it to the fullest making every opportunity count.

verses on joyfulness from Proverbs 31


self-control - diligent, proactive, wise

A self-controlled woman uses diligent preparation to manage her household efficiently. She looks into the future to see what’s on the horizon. She doesn’t spend her earnings frivolously, but deliberates over the best ROI (return-on-investment) and course of action available to steward it well. She is calculated, but not in an evil way. Instead, she is disciplined and focused.

In modern times, a flourishing woman of faith who possesses self-control is proactive instead of being idle. With all of our modern conveniences, it’s very easy to waste large parts of our day. Our phones are always at our fingertips which means instant access to Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter…you get the picture. We can waste a lot of time being stagnant, sedentary, and lazy. However, a woman of self-control uses her time wisely. She prepares nourishing meals for her family and tries, to the best of her ability, to make it the norm in her household. She sees to her home’s cleanliness, laundry, and general management. She also takes time to care for herself - mind, body, and spirit.

verses on self-control


kindness - selfless, generous, considerate

A woman who possesses kindness is conscious of her influence on others. She chooses to use her words to encourage and love others. She is generous with her time, resources, and her life. She takes time to invest in others. With gentle consideration, she allows others to be seen and loved. Her husband and children sing her praises because who she is in the public eye is who she is at home. The same kindness, consideration, and generosity she shows others, is also given in the privacy of their home.

In modern times, a flourishing woman of faith who possesses kindness is vulnerable, open to new friendships, looks for ways to bless and care for those in need, and is quick to show hospitality. She cares about eternal matters and looks for ways she can be the hands and feet of Christ in a hurting world. She bears His light by meeting the physical and spiritual needs of others and sharing her testimony of what God has done in her life.

verses on kindness from Proverbs 31


gentleness - humble, forgiving, patient

Her gentle, quiet demeanor impacts her home vibrantly. She is respectful, humble, merciful, forgiving, loving, patient, and long-suffering. She sets a gentle tone within her household that is lifegiving. She is vulnerable, compassionate, and understanding.

In modern times, a flourishing woman of faith who possesses gentleness understands that her faith is counter-cultural in today’s society. Submitting to her husband and putting the needs of her family before her own will be mocked, but she is steadfast and unwavering in the truth. She offers forgiveness and compassion even when she may be looked down upon as “weak.” In the modern “goddess” culture which exalts feminism, she chooses to walk in selflessness, humility and respect.

verses on gentleness from Proverbs 31

Lovely readers, I hope this list of qualities from Proverbs 31 has left you inspired and encouraged in pursuing true biblical femininity. I'd love to hear from you! Comment below which of the 5 qualities you wish to grow in? Which quality is a strength for you and which one is a struggle? I'll let you know mine below. See you in the comment section!



References -

Oikourgous Meaning:



I found this on Pinterest and it encouraged my heart greatly. I love the way you combined Proverbs 31 and the fruits of the spirit. Thank you for writing this!


Hi, Erin! ☺️ I’m so glad to hear that it has blessed you. I hope that you’ll also enjoy Part 2 & 3. Thank you for your kind & encouraging words! 🤍 -Kate



Hey friends! Glad to have you hanging out with me in the comment section! ☺️ I love hearing from you, lovely readers!

Out of the 5 most important qualities of a Proverbs 31 woman, I’d have to stay a strength of mine is kindness. The quality that I struggle with would be self-control. It’s hard to admit, but at times, I could be better at both managing my time and my activity level. 🙈 Some days are better than others and, at times, it feels like “all or nothing“ lol. That’s why grace is so important. I’m choosing to put self-perfection down and flow with the Holy Spirit’s gentle admonition.

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I'm Kate! I'm a wife & mother who loves Jesus, homemaking, fashion, baking, cooking, writing, photography, calligraphy, and family adventures.


I started this blog, Flourishing Grace, as a space to journal my thoughts and encourage myself and other women in embracing and living out biblical principles in our daily lives. I hope you join me on this journey and we can flourish in His grace together. xo

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